Thanks:Much kudos to Slavoj Žižek for bringing the idea of "Worldview" to main light. Not as something to be manipulated, but as something for individuals to use as a tool in shaping their own lives. Intro:There is this idea. That our perceptions of the world are shaped by our own individual world views. There is this other idea. That each person's worldview can be shaped. One's worldview can be shaped by their surroundings. It can be shaped by the way someone was birthed into being. But, regardless of how our heuristics are shaped, I believe we all can shape the way in which we perceive our own world. Body:The concept isn't new. It has existed in many forms in the past. In "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," Stephen Covey explains how by forming habits and thinking positively, we can change the way we perceive the world. Some hard core religions, political parties and governments actively control what media their constituents consume. Take Jehovah's Witnesses and Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for example. They tell their members not to read or watch anything that speaks openly against the church. They call it "Anti-Literature." They warn it will lead to doubts about their beliefs. And they are right to warn their members. Members of these religions who leave have come in contact with someone or some literature which makes "Anti" statements to the point that their belief system starts to break down. The lens through which they see the world starts to become unworkable.
to be continued..... Or talk to me in person :)