I’m tall and I like to drink. I come from a good Mormon family. I get depressed often which is unfortunate because I have a lot of potential that I squander away. I like to fuck and masturbate when I have no one to fuck. I get in fights often recently and I don’t really know why. I get stressed out about shit that never materializes. Even when it does materialize I think I suffer more negative consequences from the stressing than I do the actual consequence. I used to believe in God. If I was left to my own devices I would probably get drunk and do drugs all day. I dislike authority. I like to make a scene. If I had to choose between eating and partying I chose partying every time. Dancing is fun. I like to learn but only when I’m sober. I have a hard time waking up after a long night of partying. Girls are fun to fuck but I hate having to deal with them, especially when they might be pregnant with my children. I think about killing people a lot. More than I do about killing myself. If I was okay with killing myself I would probably be okay killing other people. I think I am smart but when I reevaluate anything I do I feel firmly in the average. On some points I feel superior, like my position at work. But I attribute that mostly to my clean looks and calm demeanor. If looks could kill then I would focus on improving my looks more. I don’t like fat or lazy people. The biggest thing I hate about life is that we can’t do more drugs and still be productive members of society. I really like cheese but I am lactose intolerant but I still eat quite a bit of cheese. If I could live anywhere it would be in burgundy France. If I could have any profession it would be a wine grower/maker in Burgundy france. The best film I have watched lately was “A Year in Burgundy.” My greatest weakness is that I am easily influences by movies and entertainment. I don’t get zits anymore. I am 27 years old. I have a big cock, a high pitched femmy voice and poor posture and a big gut and a double chin if I am looking at you at the wrong angle. Which is most of the time because I am 6’ 4 ¾” and when I look down my double chin appears. Yes I am running to fix this. No I am not eating better or drinking less beer.
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AuthorA sad sad toaster made of glass. Archives
April 2016
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